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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://krs.chmnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2778
Title: Формування англомовної лексичної компетенції засобами сучасних технологій у студентів 1-х курсів філологічних спеціальностей
Other Titles: кваліфікаційна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія»
Authors: Бичкова, О. О.
Keywords: Кафедра англійської філології
Зубенко Т. В.
Modern technologies
English language
mobile applications
mobile learning
philological specialties
lexical competence
Issue Date: Feb-2023
Publisher: ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили
Abstract: This work presents a study of the formation of lexical competence with the help of modern technologies in students of the 1st year majored in philology. In the study, we expanded the concept of lexical competence and the stages of its development in students of philological specialties. In the study, much attention is paid to the development of communicative competence. This issue is relevant, so many researchers have studied this concept, putting forward their hypotheses based on this research. The concept of lexical competence is presented in different variants and in different modifications. Due to the popularization of the process of using modern technologies and mobile applications during the educational process of philology students and their introduction into the educational process of higher education institutions (HEIs), they contributed to the writing of a considerable number of scientific works and fundamental research. A significant contribution to the study of the problem of the formation of English lexical skills was made by domestic and foreign scientists, such as Nikolayeva S.Yu., Panova L.S., Potyuk I.E. , Shatylov S.F., Borshkovetska V.D., Smolina S.V., Hrynyuk G.A. and others. The topic of using modern technologies and mobile applications as a means of forming lexical competence of the English language was studied by such scientists as Zubenko T.V., Rashevska N.V., Tkachuka V.V., Semerikov S.O., Keegan D., Traxler J. , and other. In accordance with the purpose of our research, the first part of our work was devoted to the theoretical justification of the feasibility of using mobile technologies during the study of English by students of the 1st year majored in philology. In particular, during the study of theoretical sources, we found out that by the term "mobile technologies" we understand the use of a wide range of digital and portable mobile devices in the educational process, which allow operations to receive, process and distribute information. We found that most students are ready to use mobile devices as a learning tool. The task of the teacher in this case is to choose the correct applications and programs that would help to better assimilate the educational material and contribute to the expansion of both technical and academic knowledge of students. After conducting an analysis of theoretical developments and practical projects, we found out that the main advantages of mobile technologies in the process of learning English language. Therefore, the results of the study reveal more widely the possibilities of modern mobile applications. Using the principles of modern mobile learning in a Ukrainian higher education institution is quite an effective practice, which allows for development in the field of mobile learning and digitalization of the country. The introduction of modern teaching methods will help attract more attention among young people to those aspects of learning that they did not notice before and will bring studying at the university to a new level. Modern technologies, including mobile learning, provoke comprehensive development of students in their chosen specialization and, subsequently, in the professional field. In this way, mobile learning effectively ensures the development of lexical skills of second-year philology students specializing in English language and literature.
Description: Бичкова О. О. Формування англомовної лексичної компетенції засобами сучасних технологій у студентів 1-х курсів філологічних спеціальностей : кваліфікаційна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія» / О. О. Бичкова ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. – Миколаїв, 2023. – 79 с.
URI: https://krs.chmnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2778
Appears in Collections:Навчально-науковий інститут післядипломної освіти

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