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dc.contributor.authorРуденко, Н. О.-
dc.descriptionРуденко Н. О. Підготовка студентів економічних спеціальностей до фахової діяльності у процесі вивчення професійної англійської мови : кваліфікаційна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія» / Н. О. Руденко ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. – Миколаїв, 2023. – 85 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe research of the given subject has led to the conclusion that the process of forming lexical skills of foreign language speech is an important component in the system of university training for students of economic specialties. The final stage of this process is the readiness to freely use professional vocabulary, which is possible thanks to all the mentioned methods and techniques. We evaluated the initial data of the students' training, the developed set of exercises for the formation of stable English lexical competence in students of economic specialties was implemented into the educational process, and the results of the implementation of this set of exercises were also evaluated. It has been revealed that in the course of the study, teachers of professional English paid considerable attention to the development of independent processing skills, familiarization and understanding of specialized educational literature in a foreign language obtained from special primary sources, analysis of primary source texts on the main topics of economics (which are the basis of most fundamental economic disciplines), students' work vocabulary, assimilation of professional vocabulary. It has been pointed out that the choice of material for language training and its structure should take into account the influence of interdisciplinary coordination and connections, as well as the professional focus of education. It is possible and necessary to coordinate and synchronize the topics of tasks in each semester of study between fundamental economic disciplines, and then professional disciplines with the corresponding disciplines of language training. It has been proved that since special training of future economists is provided by such courses as "Accounting", "Audit", "Tax System", and others, interdisciplinary coordination provides the necessary connection between the study of foreign language (English) and professionally oriented disciplines, in which the acquired vocabulary will be used in the future for professional communication and development. The peculiarity of this synchronization is that special subjects are mastered in the process of learning a foreign language. As a result of the research, a set of exercises from two blocks: "Accounting" and "Taxation", respectively, was developed and implemented in the educational process for use in the courses "Accounting" and "Taxation System" for students of the third year of study of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. The complex consists of 46 exercises, the following types of exercises are presented: test exercises with the choice of one correct answer; exercises on finding the coincidence of the termand definition; exercises for filling gaps in professionally oriented text and sentences; translation exercises; exercises aimed at discussion in the professional field; exercises for correcting mistakes or building sentences from their component parts. It has been established that the lexical stock of the professional English vocabulary of the 3rd year students was enriched, and the students' interest in learning the professional English language increased. In a result, the use of complex-subjunctive sentences with the number of 7-10 lexical units is observed in students` speech. The use of professional vocabulary has become more motivated and precise.uk_UA
dc.publisherЧНУ ім. Петра Могилиuk_UA
dc.subjectкафедра англійської філологіїuk_UA
dc.subjectГришкова Р. О.uk_UA
dc.subjectinterdisciplinary coordinationuk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional communicationuk_UA
dc.subjectprofessional vocabularyuk_UA
dc.subjectlexical competenceuk_UA
dc.titleПідготовка студентів економічних спеціальностей до фахової діяльності у процесі вивчення професійної англійської мовиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeкваліфікаційна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія»uk_UA
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