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Titel: Безквівалентна лексика у сучасному англомовному кінодискурсі: лінгвокультурологічний та перекладознавчий аспекти
Sonstige Titel: магістерськa дисертацїя на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр», спеціальність 035 «Філологія»
Autoren: Олехнович, В. В.
Stichwörter: кафедра української філології
магістерська робота
Волченко Ольга Михайлівна
audiovisual translation;
cultural features
film discourse translation
non-equivalent vocabulary
proper names
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили
Zusammenfassung: The paper is devoted to the analysis of non-equivalent vocabulary in modern film discourse and the ways of its translation into Ukrainian on the material of the second season of “Mindhunter” television series shot in 2019 by the Denver & Delilah Films studio, and its translation into the Ukrainian language performed by The Tak Treba Production studio. The research of the given subject has led to the conclusion that film discourse represents a coherent text that combines both verbal and non-verbal components, that is created by a collectively differentiated author for the viewer of the film. Film discourse has been studied alongside the audiovisual translation and dubbing as its subtype. It has been established that audiovisual translation and dubbing as a branch of translation studies are problematic since they are involved in reproduction of texts which use audio and visual communication channels. It has also been revealed that during the process of dubbing, the translator prepares the translation of audiovisual text with different forms of synchronicity between text, image and sound, which is the main complexity translators can encounter while performing translation for dubbing. In the second part of theoretical study it has been pointed out that non-equivalent vocabulary represents words and word combinations that express national and cultural information, which are absent from the target language, have no equivalents outside the language to which they belong and are difficult to reproduce. Having analysed modern classifications of non-equivalent vocabulary, based on the analysis of non-equivalent vocabulary in scientific, technical, publicistic and other types of the texts, we differentiate the following non-equivalent lexical units that are represented in the materials of this research: proper names, semantic lacunas, realities, terms, abbreviations and shortenings, author’s neologisms. The analysis of non-equivalent vocabulary in the second season of “Mindhunter” television series from the linguistic and cultural points of view reveals that they reflect 96 the national and cultural characteristic features of the life in the United States in the 1970s-1980s, social and cultural background of the characters, as well as the documentary, psychological and criminal nature of the analysed series. The structural analysis of the non-equivalent vocabulary used in the second season of Mindhunter television series and its translation into Ukrainian has proved that the most common are proper names, which constitute 68% of the total number of analysed non-equivalent vocabulary. Terms make up 10%, which makes them the second most used among all types of non-equivalent vocabulary. They are followed by abbreviations and shortenings, which constitute 8%, realities and semantic lacunas – 7% and 4% respectively. The least common are the author’s neologisms, which make up 3% of the total number of studied vocabulary. Having analysed the non-equivalent vocabulary in original audiovisual text and its translation into the Ukrainian language, it has been concluded that the most common way of non-equivalent lexical units’ reproduction is transcription and loan translation – 38% and 28%. They are followed by hyperonymic translation, translation through the situational equivalent, descriptive periphrasis and the method of assimilation. The least used, according to the results of analysis, was omission. So, the research of non-equivalent vocabulary in film discourse and the ways of its translation into the Ukrainian language has shown that the proper names are the most common types of non-equivalent vocabulary, which are usually rendered into the Ukrainian through transcription. Terms and realities are the second and the third most used categories of non-equivalent vocabulary that can be found in the original audiovisual text, which are mostly rendered through the situational equivalent. It has been confirmed as a result of the research, that loan translation is the most productive way of translating abbreviations and shortenings, while hyperonymic way of translation is mostly used to translate semantic lacunas. Author’s neologisms were mostly translated through loan translation.
Beschreibung: Олехнович В. В. Безеквівалентна лексика у сучасному англомовному кіно дискурсі: лінгвокультурологічний та перекладознавчий аспекти : дипломна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія» / В. В. Олехнович ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. ‒ Миколаїв, 2022. – 96 с.
URI: https://krs.chmnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2171
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Факультет філології

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