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Titel: Особливості перекладу військово - морської термінології у телесеріалі " Осушення океанів "
Sonstige Titel: магістерськa дисертацїя на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр», спеціальність 035 «Філологія»
Autoren: Путятинська, А. Д.
Stichwörter: Кафедра теорії та практики перекладу з англійської мови
магістерська робота
Лютянська Наталя Іванівна
the naval translation
documentary series
the naval terminology
the translation transformations
terminological equivalents
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили
Zusammenfassung: The naval translation is considered to be a separate linguistic discipline, as the requirements for the quality and accuracy of translation are very high. The purpose of this work is to analyze the naval terminology translation peculiarities in documentary series "Drain the Oceans". The object of this study is the English naval terminology in the documentary TV series "Drain the Oceans". The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the English naval terminology translation in the documentary series "Drain the Oceans" into Ukrainian. The main problems of translation of naval terminology in the documentary series "Drain the Oceans" were analyzed. Six groups were identified that caused difficulties in naval terminology translation in the series "Drain the Oceans". The first group – terms that denoted foreign realities identical to the Ukrainian. The next one was a group of terms that denoted foreign realities that are absent in Ukraine reality but have generally accepted Ukrainian terminological equivalents. The third group was terms that denoted foreign realities that are absent in the Ukrainian language and that do not have generally accepted Ukrainian terminological equivalents. The next group was terms that had several translation options. Further, a reduction in naval terms was revealed. Ignorance of the abbreviations provided may lead the translator to misunderstand the meaning of a certain term. The names of ships, planes, bombs, military operations and ranks were also revealed. The translation transformations that were used to translate naval terminology in the documentary series "Drain the Oceans" were analyzed. Transformations such as literal translation (58%), equivalent translation (15%), and descriptive translation (12%) were most often used to translate naval terms in the series "Drain the Oceans". The following transformations were also used. They are transliteration and transcription (7%), generalization, concretization, modulation (4%), addition (1%), omission (1%), grammatical substitution (2%).
Beschreibung: Путятинська А. Д. Особливості перекладу військово – морської термінології у телесеріалі „ Осушення океанів ” : дипломна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр»: спец. 035 «Філологія» / А. Д. Путятинська ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. ‒ Миколаїв, 2022. – 95 с.
URI: https://krs.chmnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2177
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Факультет філології

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