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груші яблоко повидло
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Titel: Компаративний аналіз відтворення - ing вербалій українською та російською мовами ( на матеріалі роману Донни Тартт " Щеголь" )
Sonstige Titel: магістерськa дисертацїя на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр», спеціальність 035 «Філологія»
Autoren: Зубік, О. Ф.
Stichwörter: Кафедра теорії та практики перекладу з англійської мови
магістерська робота
Абабілова Наталія Миколаївна
ing вербалій
компаративний аналіз
Erscheinungsdatum: 2022
Herausgeber: ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили
Zusammenfassung: The research allows to draw the following conclusions. 1. Verbal is a form of verb that acts as another part of the language – as a noun, an adjective or an adverb. Generally, there are 4 types of verbals: the participle І, participle ІІ, the gerund, and the infinitive. The name –ing verbals combines the gerund and the Participle I. They differ in meaning, properties, functions, and usage. The gerund has the features of the verb and the noun, and the Participle I has the properties of the verb and adjective. Among the functions of gerunds, researchers note the functions of the subject, predicative, adverbial modifier (conditions, time, course of action, incidental circumstances), object (direct and indirect), modifier and part of a compound verbal predicate. The Participle I is used in the function of compound verbal predicate, modifier, parenthesis, compound verbal predicative and part of simple predicative. The specificity of the functioning of –ing verbals is key in determining the form. In particular, the –ing verbal‘s position in a sentence, as well as the syntactic function it performs; indicate its identity of part of language. Thus, the functions of the subject, the part of the compound verbal predicate and the object testify to the use of the gerund in sentence, and the functions of the compound verbal predicative and circumstance of the comparison indicate the Participle I. The contextual environment of verbals influences the process of differentiation of linguistic units too. 2. At the level of theoretical generalization, it has been identified that there are two main approaches to classifying ways of rendering –ing verbals: by forms and by functions. This work analyzes the classifications of –ing verbals‘ translation by functions. The analysis of many studies on the problem has made it possible to conclude that gerund in the function of subject is translated into Ukrainian by the noun (with or without preposition), the infinitive; the gerund in the function of predicative is translated by noun (with or without preposition); the gerund in the function of object is translated by noun (with or without the preposition), by the infinitive, by personal form of the verb as part of a direct explanatory sentence; the gerund in the function of circumstance is translated by the noun (with or without preposition), by the infinitive, by transgressive, by personal form of the verb, by subordinate sentence; the gerund in the function of modifier is translated by the noun with a preposition, by the noun in the genitive case, by the participle of the present tense, by the adjective, by the adverb, by the infinitive, by the personal form of the verb in the composition of a subordinate sentence; the gerund as a part of a compound predicative is translated by the noun, the infinitive and personal form of the verb. The Participle I in the function of the compound verbal predicative is translated by subordinate sentence, by transgressive or transgressive construction, rarely – by independent sentence; the Participle I in the function of modifier is translated by participle of the present tense; by past participle, by participle construction, by subordinate sentence; the Participle I in the function of an parenthesis is translated by transgressive, by participle, by sentence with a conjunction якщо; the Participle I in the function of predicative is translated by verbs бути, стати with nouns, adjectives, participles; the Participle I as part of a simple verb preposition is translated by verbs in conjunction with nouns and pronouns. 3. Lexical (in particular, lexical and semantic), grammatical and lexical and grammatical transformations are also used in the translation of –ing verbals. 4. An analysis of the functioning of –ing verbals in D. Tartt‘s novel ―The Goldfinch‖ showed that Participle I (74%) prevails among them, and the gerund is found in 26% of the analyzed examples. Gerund performs the functions of verbal predicative, object, parenthesis, subject, part of the compound predicate with the object being most common and the least common in part of the compound predicate. The Participle I performs the functions of the parenthesis, circumstance and definition in the analyzed work. Its syntactic functions are represented mainly by adverbial modifier and definitions and parenthesis is the least common. 5. Analysis of rendering –ing verbals by function has made it possible to draw the following conclusions. In the studied novel, gerund most often was translated into Ukrainian by a noun, as well as verb forms – personal verb form and infinitive. Isolated cases were the translation of the gerund by a subordinate clause, the Ukrainian verb adverb («дієприслівник») and its omission. In Russian, the gerund was mostly reproduced in verb forms – the personal form of the verb and the infinitive. The average frequency was demonstrated by such a method of gerund translation as translation by noun. Rarely gerund in Russian was reproduced by a subordinate clause. Therefore, there are both common and different features in the ways of translating gerund in Ukrainian and Russian. In the Ukrainian text, the methods of translation are more diverse, in particular, cases of translation of the gerund by Ukrainian verb adverb («дієприслівник») and omission of the gerund were found only in the Ukrainian text. This indicates that the translator O. Shovkun does not tend to literalism in translation, but is looking for different options. Other methods of translating gerund, although the same in Ukrainian and Russian texts, differ quantitatively. Although both translations are more inclined to verb methods of translation (in Ukrainian translation the number of verb forms, including Ukrainian verb adverb («дієприслівник»), but in Ukrainian the translation of the gerund by noun is more common, then in Russian. Participle I in D. Tartt‘s novel ―The Goldfinch‖ was most often translated into Ukrainian by the Ukrainian verb adverb («дієприслівник»), and least often by phrases ―verb adverb («дієприслівник») + noun‖, ―personal form of verb + infinitive‖, ―impersonal form of verb + infinitive‖, ―personal form of verb + noun‖, preposition, as well as by omission and total reorganization . It was reproduced by the personal form of the verb with average frequency, adjective, relatively rarely it was reproduced by subordinate clauses. Participle I was mostly translated into Russian as the Russian verb adverb («дієприслівник»). The average frequency was demonstrated by such methods of translation as the reproduction of the personal form of the verb, the adjective. Translation by subordinate clauses was rare (5.4%), in isolated cases by adjectives and nouns. Comparative analysis has shown that the methods of Ukrainian translation of Participle I in D. Tartt‘s novel ―The Goldfinch‖ are more diverse. Thus, 11 such methods were found in the Ukrainian text, and 7 in the Russian text. Although most of these methods are infrequent in the Ukrainian translation as well. These are, in particular, the phrases ―verb adverb («дієприслівник») + noun‖, ―personal form of verb + infinitive‖, ―impersonal form of verb + infinitive‖, ―personal form of verb + noun‖, preposition, and omission. In general, in both translations the reproduction of Participle I by the verb adverb («дієприслівник») predominates is more than half of Russia examples and almost half of Ukrainian ones. With the same average frequency in both translations there is a way of reproducing the English adjective and the personal form of the verb (. Total reorganization of text fragments with Participle I is more typical for Russian translation, and in Ukrainian one it happens in isolated cases. There is no translation of Participle I with the participle in the Ukrainian text, it is in the Russian text with the average frequency. In general, the Ukrainian translator prefers to avoid participle forms in accordance with the current trend of development of the Ukrainian language. On the other hand, in the translation of Participle I he uses adjectives more often than in the Russian translation. Translation of a subordinate clause with a low frequency occurs in both texts. At the same time, the Ukrainian translator V. Shovkun strives for a variety of ways of –ing verbals translation in the fictional text – we have counted 13 such ways in the Ukrainian text and many of them differ from traditional methods used in other types of discourse. In particular, he uses, in addition to common methods, the constructions ―verb adverb («дієприслівник») + noun‖, ―personal form of verb + infinitive‖, ―impersonal form of verb + infinitive‖, ―personal form of verb + noun‖, preposition, omission. This helps to adequately reproduce the fictional text, to make the Ukrainian translation more figurative, using various lexical and grammatical means of the Ukrainian language, while preserving the author‘s intention. Russian translator A. Zavozova tends to the classical methods of translation of –ing verbals, common in different types of discourses, and, except for the Russian verb adverb («дієприслівник») and personal form of the verb, which are most common, as well as a single case of adjective use, other traditional methods are used with equal frequency. Comparison of the ways of translation –ing verbals in D. Tartt‘s novel ―The Goldfinch‖ showed that there are certain specific features of their reproduction in fiction discourse and they differ to some extent from the methods proposed by researchers on materials of other types of discourse.
Beschreibung: Зубік О. Ф. Компаративний аналіз відтворення - ing вербалій українською та російською мовами ( на матеріалі роману Донни Тартт „ Щиголь ” ) : дипломна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія» / О.Ф. Зубік ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. ‒ Миколаїв, 2022. – 216 с.
URI: https://krs.chmnu.edu.ua/jspui/handle/123456789/2179
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