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dc.contributor.authorЧерненок, К. П.-
dc.descriptionЧерненок К. П. Структурна організація лексико-семантичного поля supernatural (на матеріалі 1, 2 сезонів серіалу «Supernatural») : кваліфікаційна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія» / К. П. Черненок ; ЧНУ ім. Петра Могили. – Миколаїв, 2023. – 70 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe paper is dedicated to the question of structural organization of the lexical and semantic field SUPERNATURAL, based upon the data of a cult TV series “Supernatural”, namely the 1st and 2nd seasons. The paper examines the interpretation problems of the term “lexical and semantic field”, “core”, “periphery”; modern methods of analysis of the lexical and semantic field; the understanding of the issue “supernatural”, based on the position of philosophy; establishing the core and periphery of the lexical and semantic field SUPERNATURAL; analyzing morphological peculiarities of the lexical units, which constitute the lexical and semantic field SUPERNATURAL. There is no unified approach to define the term “lexical and semantic field” nowadays. The author of the paper integrated the interpretations of the lexical and semantic field (LSF) by H. S. Shchur, Yu. D. Apresian, and L. M. Vasyliev, and understands it as a linguistic notion used to denote a corpus of linguistic units, unified by some general semantic trait. It was found out that an LSF has a hierarchical structure of lexemes, united by a shared meaning, which verbalize notional, substantive or functional similarity of denoted phenomena. The LSF is formed by means of a core and periphery. Lexemes have different status within the LSF. Some of them are able to represent basic contradictions, and via them the most crucial differential features are realized. These very lexical units form the core of the LSF. The rest of the words assist to represent peripheral differential features of the LSF. The first stage of denoting of the LSF is establishing its basic or central word through which a notion is defined, represented by a union of lexical units. This approach to the LSF identification is known as semantic and logical. The subject of modern investigations within a framework of the field theory is lexemes, united on the basis of semantic principle or similar functions (functional principle), or a combination of the both. As for the understanding of the notion “supernatural”, following the conception of D. M. Uhrynovych, it denotes something that is out of material world laws and falls out of a set of cause-effect relationship and patterns. To establish the core of the LSF SUPERNATURAL, modern English language lexicographical sources have been worked out, regarding the definition of the notion “supernatural” and its key features have been singled out: God, demigod, spirit, devil, supernatural beings, supernatural creatures, supernatural events, supernatural forces, ghosts. With the help of dictionary entries, 60 lexemes have been found which are bound to the notion “supernatural” specifically. Concerning the periphery of the LSF SUPERNATURAL, it was set aside utilizing the data, extracted from a script of the same-titled TV series. The illustrative material was divided into 7 thematic groups on the ground of functional representations: paranormal creatures (26 units), instruments (8 lexemes); supernatural potential (11); symbols of supernatural (3); supernatural locations (2); supernatural body parts (1); rituals (1). As for morphological features of the lexemes from the LSF SUPERNATURAL, it is possible to single out: verbs and verbal combinations (52 lexical units); common (48) and proper (13) nouns; adverbs with negative semantics (41). However, it is instructive to observe that main heroes of the show sometimes used synonyms for adjectives through which they depicted fantastic creatures or characterized the deeds of the latter, namely: sinister, evil, vicious; blood-thirsty, thirsty (to characterize vampires); brutal, heartless, severe, ruthless, fierce, violent, hard, tough; cunning, sly; perilous, dangerous, harsh etc.uk_UA
dc.publisherЧНУ ім. Петра Могилиuk_UA
dc.subjectкафедра теорії та практики перекладу з англійської мовиuk_UA
dc.subjectВасильєва Н. О.uk_UA
dc.titleСтруктурна організація лексико-семантичного поля supernatural (на матеріалі 1, 2 сезонів серіалу «Supernatural»)uk_UA
dc.title.alternativeкваліфікаційна робота на здобуття освітнього ступеня «магістр» : спец. 035 «Філологія»uk_UA
Appears in Collections:Навчально-науковий інститут післядипломної освіти

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